Resources: DSTU2: DocumentReference

DocumentReference resource

The DocumentReference resource is used to retrieve a specific patient's CCDA documents. The logical ID of the patient is passed as part of the URL. The logical ID is found as the result of a patient search.

To retrieve a patient's CCDA documents, use the following syntax:

GET {FHIR URL}/FHIR/Patient/{ID}/DocumentReference

To retrieve a patient's CCDA documents reported on January 1, 2016, use the following syntax:

GET {FHIR URL}/FHIR/Patient/{ID}/DocumentReference?date=eq2016-01-01

The actual document is returned as an attachment in the data element in content.

"content": [{"attachment": {

"contentType": "application/hl7-sda+xml",

"language": "en-US",

"data": "PD94bWwtc3R5bGVzaGVldCB0eXBlPSJ0ZXh0L3h .... "


The CCDA is Base64 encoded.

Input parameters

Name Required? Type Description
ID Yes URL The patient's logical ID. This is retrieved using the search function.
date No string A string representing a date to include in the search. See below for more information.

Output specification

Name Type Cardinality Description
masterIdentifier Identifier 0..1 Master Version Specific Identifier.
identifier Identifier 0..* Other identifiers for the document.
subject Reference (Patient) 0..1 Who/what is the subject of the document.
type CodeableConcept 1..1 Kind of document. The value set includes content from LOINC. For more information on this value set, see here.
indexed Instant 1..1 When this document reference was created
status code 1..1 Status of the document. Values include current, superseded, and entered-in-error. For more information on this value set, see here.
description String 0..1 Human-readable description. The HTML version of the document.
content 1..* Document referenced
-- content.attachment attachment 0..1 Where/How to access the document. See below for more detail.
-- content. format code 0..1 Format of the document. For more information on this value set, see here.