Detailed information about conditions, problems, or diagnoses

Retrieving a patient’s conditions

The patient’s logical ID used to retrieve the patient is passed as part of the URL. The logical ID is found as the result of a search.

Name Required? Type Description
ID yes URL The patient’s logical ID. This is retrieved using the search function.
date no string A string representing a date to include in the search. See below for more information.

A DAF condition (problem) is returned.

Name Type Cardinality Description
identifier Identifier 0..* External ID for the condition. The ID is defined by business processes and/or used to refer to it when a direct URL reference to the resource itself is not appropriate. For example, in CDA documents or in written or printed documentation. This may include IMO, ICD9/10, or Medcin codes.
patient Reference(Patient) 1..1 Patient name. This indicates the patient who the condition record is associated with. This is used for querying and retrieving patient demographic information.
encounter Reference(Encounter) 0..1 Encounter during which the condition was first asserted.
asserter Reference(Practitioner, Patient) 0..1 Individual who asserts the condition. This is a provider reference.
dateRecorded date) 0..1 Date when the condition was first recorded. This is not the date on which the condition was last updated.
code CodeableConcept 1..1 ID of the condition, problem, or diagnosis. The value set includes content from SNOMED. For more information on this value set, see condition-code.
category CodeableConcept 0..1 Condition category. Valid entries include: Complaint, Symptom, Finding, and Diagnosis. For more information on this value set, see condition-category.
clinicalStatus code 0..1 Condition clinical status. Valid entries include: Active, Relapse, Remission, and Resolved. For more information on this value set, see condition-clinical.
verificationStatus code 1..1 Condition verification status. Valid entries include: Provisional, Differential, Confirmed, Refuted, Entered-in-error, and Unknown. For more information on this value set, see condition-ver-status.
severity CodeableConcept 0..1 Subjective severity of condition. Valid entries include the following SNOMED codes: 399166001 Fatal, 24484000 Severe, 6736007 Moderate, and 255604002 Mild. For more information on this value set, see condition-severity.
onsetDateTime dateTime 0..1 Estimated or actual date, date-time, or age when the condition statement was documented. The Date Recorded indicates the date when this particular condition record was created in the EHR, not the date of the most recent update. For Allscripts TouchWorks EHR, onset date is pulled from Problem.OnsetFuzzyWhen.
onsetQuantity Quantity 0..1 Estimated or actual date, date-time, or age.
onsetPeriod Period 0..1 Estimated or actual date, date-time, or age.
onsetRange Hl7.Fhir.Model.Range 0..1 Estimated or actual date, date-time, or age.
onsetString String 0..1 Estimated or actual date, date-time, or age.
abatementDateTime dateTime 0..1 If/when in resolution/remission.
abatementQuantity Quantity 0..1 If/when in resolution/remission.
abatementBoolean Boolean 0..1 If/when in resolution/remission.
abatementPeriod Period 0..1 If/when in resolution/remission.
abatementRange Hl7.Fhir.Model.Range 0..1 If/when in resolution/remission.
abatementString String 0..1 If/when in resolution/remission.
stage 0..1 Stage/grade, usually assessed formally.
– stage.summary CodeableConcept 0..1 Simple summary (disease specific). For more information on this value set, see condition-stage.
– stage.assessment Reference(ClinicalImpression, DiagnosticReport, Observation) 0..* Formal record of assessment.
evidence 0..* Supporting evidence.
– evidence.code CodeableConcept 0..1 Manifestation/symptom. For more information on this value set, see manifestation-or-symptom.
– evidence.detail Reference(Resource) 0..* Supporting information found elsewhere.
bodySite CodeableConcept 0..* Anatomical location, if relevant. For more information on this value set, see body-site.
notes string 0..1 Additional information about the condition.

Searching by Date

Dates are passed as query paramters on the URL. Since the URL parameters cannot handle comparators (for example, >, <=) these are passed in as part of the date.


The following comparators are supported:

Comparator Description
eq equal
gt greater than
ge greater than or equal
lt less than
le less than or equal

To search for a date range, pass in the date twice.

e.g. date=ge2010-01-01&date=le2010-12-31

This search would include every day in the year 2010.